You are hereLawrence Broxmeyer, MD, "today's single most perceptive and innovative medical investigator"

Lawrence Broxmeyer, MD, "today's single most perceptive and innovative medical investigator"

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Of the 80 names listed as recent additions in the May 2008 version of the Denial-list published by the "Rethinking AIDS" denialist group, almost ten are students, a scant few are biological scientists, and about 12 claim to have some type of medical degree. For one of these doctors a website link is given, allowing a rare glimpse into what sort of doctor might be found on the Rethinking AIDS list. The doctor’s name is Lawrence Broxmeyer, and his website is:

According to Dr. Broxmeyer himself, he is “already heralded as today's single most perceptive and innovative medical investigator by colleagues in the United States and abroad, having already appeared as lead author in The Journal of Infectious Diseases.”

As the reportedly “most brilliant” doctor in the United States today, Broxmeyer must be a boon to the HIV/AIDS denialist cause. Certainly, Broxmeyer is nothing if not innovative. Writing in Medical Hypotheses, Broxmeyer suggested that mycobacteria might be the cause of Parkinson’s Disease (Med Hypotheses. 2002 Oct;59(4):373-7). Writing in the May, 2003 issue of the same journal, Broxmeyer asked, “Is AIDS really caused by a virus?” and concluded that, no, it is caused by mycobacteria. SARS, too, more than “just another viral acronym” (Med Hypotheses. 2003 Aug;61(2):314-7) is just misdiagnosed tuberculosis.

Broxmeyer’s innovation didn’t stop there. Heart disease (Med Hypotheses. 2004;62(5):773-9), Mad Cow (Med Hypotheses. 2004;63(4):731-9), cancer (Med Hypotheses. 2004;63(6):986-96), Alzheimer’s and Creutzfeldt-Jakob (Med Hypotheses, 2005;64(4):699-705), diabetes (Med Hypotheses. 2005;65(3):433-9), and even the 1918 flu (Med Hypotheses. 2006;67(5):1006-15) are, according to Broxmeyer, due to mycobacteria.

During Broxmeyer’s four-year run of publications in Medical Hypotheses, his affiliation was sometimes listed only as his own address in Whitestone, NY, and sometimes as Med-America Research (with the same address—not to be confused with MedAmerica). By 2006, though, Broxmeyer had been promoted to “Chief Medical Officer and CEO” of the company, no doubt in keeping with his unrivaled perception. The Med-America Research website,, features only Dr. Broxmeyer and his innovative articles, and is in fact the same as Dr. Broxmeyer’s personal website listed above.

Not mentioned on his variously-named website is the inconvenient fact that Dr. Broxmeyer lost his medical license and pharmacist’s license in New York in the mid-1990s. He was charged in 1994 with “13 specifications of professional misconduct, including practicing fraudulently, practicing with negligence on more than one occasion, ordering excessive tests and treatments, and failure to comply with substantial provisions of State Law governing the practice of medicine.” He was also charged with “falsification of applications” by inflating his credentials. Broxmeyer’s 1997 application for restoration of his license was considered after his fulfilling several requirements including education credits and seeing a psychiatrist. After losing his license, Broxmeyer complained, he was forced to work as a “jet refueler for $5.75 an hour” and to go on welfare.

Broxmeyer’s peers denied his application for restoration, giving their reasons:

[T]he COP finds that Dr. Broxmeyer continues to be self-absorbed.…His misconduct was deliberate and planned and demonstrated disrespect for his profession….the COP cannot assess whether he has taken the appropriate rehabilitative steps to insure that the public would not be placed in danger again were his license restored.

Read the report on the application here.

Fortunately for the public, Broxmeyer’s new-found profession of publishing in Medical Hypotheses and in the one-article-per-issue “Journal of Independent Medical Research” with friends RE Lee (of infamy/obscurity) and Alan Cantwell can’t well put many people in immediate danger.

AIDSTruth encourages David Crowe and his colleagues to place informative links to the websites of other representative individuals on the Denial-list.