HIV/AIDS organisations

The Forum for Collaborative HIV Research – The Forum for Collaborative HIV Research is an independent public-private partnership whose mission is to facilitate discussion on emerging issues in HIV clinical research and the transfer of research results into care.

The Elizabeth Glaser Pediatric AIDS Foundation – Our Mission: The Foundation creates a future of hope for children and families worldwide by eradicating pediatric AIDS, providing care and treatment to people with HIV/AIDS, and accelerating the discovery of new treatments for other serious and life-threatening pediatric illnesses.

AVERT – provides AIDS & HIV information, including information about HIV/AIDS infection, HIV testing, prevention, global and African information, AIDS treatment, statistics and personal stories.

The International AIDS Vaccine Initiative – a global organization working to speed the development and distribution of preventive AIDS vaccines – the world’s best hope for ending the AIDS epidemic. IAVI’s work focuses on four areas: mobilizing support through advocacy and education; accelerating scientific progress; encouraging industrial participation in AIDS vaccine development; and assuring global access.

Gay Men’s Health Crisis – HIV and AIDS information from the world’s oldest HIV/AIDS service organization.

Project Inform – provides information on the diagnosis, treatment and research of HIV disease as well as public policy and access to health care in English and Spanish. As a national AIDS service organization, Project Inform is working to help end the epidemic and has been in the fight against HIV/AIDS since 1985 – when reliable information about the disease and its treatment was nearly impossible to obtain.

amfAR – The Foundation for AIDS Research – funds basic and clinical research on HIV/AIDS, distributes treatment and clinical trials information, including the HIV/AIDS Treatment Directory, sponsors HIV/AIDS education programs, supports HIV/AIDS prevention efforts, and advocates sound AIDS-related public policy. To support its mission, amfAR organizes Cinema Against AIDS and other special events that feature celebrities such as Sharon Stone and Elizabeth Taylor.

The Treatment Action Campaign – This is the website of the Treatment Action Campaign (TAC), an organisation that campaigns for the HIV treatment and prevention.

Health GAP – Global Access Project – an organization of U.S.-based AIDS and human rights activists, people living with HIV/AIDS, public health experts, fair trade advocates and concerned individuals who campaign against policies of neglect and avarice that deny treatment to millions and fuel the spread of HIV. We are dedicated to eliminating barriers to global access to affordable life-sustaining medicines for people living with HIV/AIDS as key to a comprehensive strategy to confront and ultimately stop the AIDS pandemic. We believe that the human right to life and to health must prevail over the pharmaceutical industry’s excessive profits and expanding patent rights.

Global Strategies for HIV Prevention – Our mission is to implement international strategies to prevent HIV infection by means of strategic alliances with those who share in a compassion for alleviating the suffering of women and children. The HIV Medicine Association (HIVMA) – an organization of medical professionals who practice HIV medicine. We represent the interests of our patients by promoting quality in HIV care and by advocating for policies that ensure a comprehensive and humane response to the AIDS pandemic informed by science and social justice. HIV & AIDS Treatments, Symptoms, and Testing Information – Complete and easy-to-read information on treating HIV & AIDS, including guided treatment lessons, info on AIDS treatments, symptoms, and testing information, recent news, community forums, and interactive tools.